Day 29: RECAP – Martin, TN to Jackson, TN


Today I woke up late after resting all of Day 28, the day before.  I said goodbye to Matt at the front desk of the Len Haven Motel and headed out.

I stopped just outside of town to put on gloves, hat, and jacket.  Since I was already stopped, I figured it was a good a time as any to eat, so I devoured leftover pulled pork and a banana.  A Martin police officer stopped to see if I needed anything while I was putting on the clothing and we chatted for a few minutes.


The rain started about then and after biking for over an hour, I stopped in Greenfield to have lunch.  I opted for the buffet and was waited on by a sweet young lady named, JJ.  Shortly there after another woman stopped by and we chatted about what I was doing.  She introduced herself as Renee and explained that had gypsy blood and traveled all over the world during her life.  Renee brought JJ over to the table and introduced her as her daughter.


I rolled out of Greenfield and down the country roads on my way to Jackson.  I reached Jackson just after dark and booked myself a room to dry out my boots and clothing.

When I got to my room I opened up the dessert that Renee had boxed for me and found a delicious piece of pie and a very gracious note.




Day 28: Rainy Sick/Rest Day

Well my head cold has moved down into my chest overnight. It’s been raining for over 24 hours now, so I figured while I was sick I should just take a day off and rest.

The man at the front desk of the “American owned” motel said I sound different than yesterday.

He gave me the last of his bottle of cold medicine and said it fixed him right up.

So here goes nothing…


Day 27: East Cape to Cario and beyond…

Susan, the mother (?) Of the brother of the owner/manager came out to greet me with donuts after I explained how I was treated by the owner’s boyfriend (?) last night.


She wished me safe travels and I’m now heading South along back roads in light drizzle and will stop along the way for breakfast and then cross into Kentucky or Missouri before lunch.

Warm weather here, I think it stayed in the sixties all night, but after my experience with the boyfriend of the manager who came off more as a drug dealer / club bouncer than a campground host and the constant route 149 traffic I didn’t sleep that well.

Oh and the spiders are getting bigger…


Let’s see how far I can make it today!


Day 26: Happy Thanksgiving

I’m eating left over pizza from lunch and the can of ravioli that Keith graciously gave me while camping out in a trailer park next to a major highway and across the road from a tiki bar and a strip club in East Cape Girardeau, Illinois.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I’m thankful for my first shower in three days.
