Day 18: Winter is coming

Heading to at least Ashburn, MO with Erik today into the headwind. Maybe push to Louisiana, Missouri if the stars align. The days of sixty degree weather are over up here … Must push South into St Louis before Saturday when the high temperature is just a few degrees above freezing.



Day 15: Heading Out

To attempt to be more frequent and fluid with updates I’m going to start publishing status updates in addition to the full blog posts I’ve been working on.

Today the sun is shining, it’s 50F, and I’m heading South about 55 miles from Warsaw Illinois to Hannibal Missouri.


Tomorrow it’s supposed to storm so I’m going to take the day off and rest up my sore knee in Hannibal.

I am also going to repack the bike and ship a bunch of stuff back to Minnesota that I’m not using so I can move a bit faster during the day.